Friday, 19 December 2014

Cloud Computing for Dummies

Many of us already use the Cloud every day when doing tasks like checking our emails, sharing files and storing contacts - by 2017 the Global Cloud Computing Services Market is to Reach US$127 Billion.

With the world going mad for cloud computing are you keeping up with the jargon? 
At RouteShoot HQ there's a few of us who don't "speak tech" and that's why, with the help of our techno-geniuses we've put together this quick guide to explain what Cloud Computing is.

Cloud computing is a way of accessing your information through a complex network involving the internet. Instead of just accessing your data from the box in the corner, you now access your data via an internet connection. Historically, most data and information that business' have has been held on a computer in the corner of the office. Sound familiar? We all feel comfortable with our data held in this way, somewhere you know, with the people you trust. 
But what happens if:
  • There is a fire at your premises damaging your computers
  • You're the unfortunate victims of the most recent spate of PC burglaries 
  • The computer you hold your data on has a melt down
  • or even just that the office is closed because of snow

Cloud Computing experts would argue that in the above instances your data is better off with them.

At RouteShoot our Cloud hosted data is stored in highly secure data centres all over the world. By storing our data in this way we make use of an economy of scale and can directly benefit from the data protection team at the data centre whose sole job is to protect our important information. Not only does this reduce liability for us but it also provides peace of mind because we know that our information is protected with cutting edge data security tools and a dedicated team. This isn't something that ourselves or our customers have the resources to achieve in their own offices.

So if the data is actually in a data centre then where does the cloud come in?
Cloud computing is a way of accessing your information through a complex network involving the internet. Instead of just accessing your data from the box in the corner, you now access your data via an internet connection.

So now you know what all the fuss is about...