Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Introducing RouteShoot for Windows Phone - Version

Until this month, the RouteShoot smartphone app was only available to download on iOS and Android devices. 

Today, we’re excited to bring you RouteShoot for Windows Phone.

When RouteShoot for Android was launched in May of 2013, the RouteShoot community was over 7 thousand strong and growing fast. The RouteShoot community now reaches every corner of the globe with more than 17 thousand users.

In that past year, however, RouteShoot isn't all that’s grown. We've also seen the rise of a new mobile platform as tens of millions of people around the world have taken to Windows Phones. Our mission is to give everyone the ability to capture and share the moments around them, so our team has been working hard to bring RouteShoot to Windows Phone users everywhere.

We wanted to make RouteShoot available to people with Windows Phones as quickly as possible, so we focused on creating an awesome experience with RouteShoot's 'core' features. We’re not finished, and our team will continue developing the Windows Phone app to keep releasing features and bringing you the best app possible.

Learn more about RouteShoot for Windows phone and download it today from the Windows Phone Store!

Monday, 2 February 2015

World Bank Update - Visit to Philippines

Last week a couple of our team went out to visit the guys in the Philippines who are using RouteShoot to record road construction and reconstruction projects that are being supported by funding from the World Bank. Please see our blog post from 29th April 2014 for more details.

Gary, Ben and our World Bank hosts

Since our last update about this project, the scope of works being monitored using the RouteShoot app has expanded to include not only the Tourism Roads, but also "Farm to Market" routes.

This is the first time MD Gary Wilson has been to the Philippines and it was pretty clear why RouteShoot was chosen in preference to some of the high-tech video systems we see here, whizzing along motorways in the UK. 

There was no way some of these roads could possibly be driven safely in a big vehicle and there would be significant risks of damaging expensive equipment.

Sometimes the only way to trace out these routes was on foot... and occasionally a machete was an essential part of the surveyor's kit!

We were also interested to note some of the more innovative site protection techniques employed. In the absence of road cones, local construction teams would use whatever was at hand to protect new running surfaces.

Thanks to all, over in the Philippines, for looking after us on our stay.

Just a final note to say that it isn't all glamorous here at RouteShoot. While Gary was in Manila, fellow directors Andy and Adam were out visiting prospective customers in Wales. Spot the difference...

Slightly different weather on the M4 in Wales