In the beginning, testing revolved around holding a smartphone device and capturing video while sitting in a passenger seat, or precariously setting a phone on the dashboard. Not only does this require the time of two people to collect video, but can also result in unstable, shaky video data. Since one person driving and filming is not only dangerous, but can also result in a run-in with the law, we started testing out different mount devices to see what worked best.
We set out looking for mounts that could be used to capture our videos. During our research, we discovered the bigger players in this market.
One of the largest manufacturers for commercial hardware is Ram Mounts, which sells a wide array of mounts for all sorts of applications and devices. Their system lets you buy specific base components for each application while utilising the same upper mounting device component for your mobile device.
Do you have a phone mount that you like to use? Or maybe you have more experience with RAM mounts than we do? We would enjoy hearing your experiences in the comments below.