Friday, 19 December 2014

Cloud Computing for Dummies

Many of us already use the Cloud every day when doing tasks like checking our emails, sharing files and storing contacts - by 2017 the Global Cloud Computing Services Market is to Reach US$127 Billion.

With the world going mad for cloud computing are you keeping up with the jargon? 
At RouteShoot HQ there's a few of us who don't "speak tech" and that's why, with the help of our techno-geniuses we've put together this quick guide to explain what Cloud Computing is.

Cloud computing is a way of accessing your information through a complex network involving the internet. Instead of just accessing your data from the box in the corner, you now access your data via an internet connection. Historically, most data and information that business' have has been held on a computer in the corner of the office. Sound familiar? We all feel comfortable with our data held in this way, somewhere you know, with the people you trust. 
But what happens if:
  • There is a fire at your premises damaging your computers
  • You're the unfortunate victims of the most recent spate of PC burglaries 
  • The computer you hold your data on has a melt down
  • or even just that the office is closed because of snow

Cloud Computing experts would argue that in the above instances your data is better off with them.

At RouteShoot our Cloud hosted data is stored in highly secure data centres all over the world. By storing our data in this way we make use of an economy of scale and can directly benefit from the data protection team at the data centre whose sole job is to protect our important information. Not only does this reduce liability for us but it also provides peace of mind because we know that our information is protected with cutting edge data security tools and a dedicated team. This isn't something that ourselves or our customers have the resources to achieve in their own offices.

So if the data is actually in a data centre then where does the cloud come in?
Cloud computing is a way of accessing your information through a complex network involving the internet. Instead of just accessing your data from the box in the corner, you now access your data via an internet connection.

So now you know what all the fuss is about...

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

RouteShoot Recommended by Stuff (again!)

Following our "App of the Week" review by back in April, we are really happy to let you know that they have been singing our praises again.

According to Stuff there are now more than 927,000 free Android apps available in the Google Play store - and they have chosen us as one of 30 "cracker" apps to look out for.

Please read their article here. We are listed number 30, but we don't think the list is in any particular order.

Nice to think that out of all the apps on the store we are included in a select 0.01% that they have picked out for a specific mention. Our thanks, once again, to the Stuff team for appreciating our work.

About Stuff is the world’s biggest-selling gadget magazine, and is the online bit of that magazine (if that makes any sense). It’s where you can find tech news that’s wry but not dry, the world’s most trusted gadget tests and exclusive previews of the latest phones, computers, tablets, games, apps, TVs, hi-fi, headphones, cameras, consoles, and media players.

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Occasional Update

Once again hi.

It is that time again when we feel we should spread a little bit of RouteShoot news and observation, so here we go...

RouteShoot New Recruit - (nearly a tongue twister, but not quite)

Down at RouteShoot HQ in Exeter, our team continue to go from strength to strength. We are very pleased this week to be able to introduce our newest team member Stacey. Despite a busy first week for Stacey, getting settled into her new Business Development role, she was able to give us the following statement:

"I’m delighted to join the RouteShoot team, especially in such an exciting stage of growth. I will be involved in improving the organisation’s market position and also exploring new opportunities for expansion and development. I hope to draw upon my previous experience for this varied role whilst adapting and learning new skills on the job." 

If you are on our existing customer list, or sit within our target markets for the commercial version of RouteShoot, we hope that you will be hearing from Stacey soon.

Industry Update - Street Works

For those of you in the highways maintenance or utilities sectors, you will probably be aware that the new Code of Practice for Safety at Street Works and Road Works has come into force this month. Compliance with this code is mandatory, and the Code warns that failure to comply is "evidence of failing to fulfil the legal requirements to sign, light and guard works".

We believe that RouteShoot would be an ideal way for companies to prove that they have complied with this Code. Date and time-stamped, geo-located video could provide an unequivocal record that your company has set out and inspected its street works in line with your obligations. These records could be of vital importance should a company find itself having to defend future claims against it.

For a free, no obligation trial of RouteShoot please visit our main website by clicking here

The Benefits of Cloud Computing

For those of you that don't know, RouteShoot makes use of "the cloud" for storing the video and route files created by our smartphone apps. Cloud computing has really been a key factor in delivering the RouteShoot product.

In August this year our FD, Adam, was interviewed by Deloitte and, as one of around 35 companies, RouteShoot's experience with cloud computing was used as input to a report commissioned by Google. Whilst RouteShoot is not directly credited, the report, "Small business, big technology: How the cloud enables rapid growth in SMBs", can be viewed by clicking here.

You can also link to Google's own "Google for Work" Blog by clicking here

And Finally

And finally, we have to say that this report from the BBC website made us smile. Scientist have discovered the brain's GPS!

Now, if only we could get that information out as NMEA strings.

Monday, 22 September 2014

Occasional Update


Just a quick catch up on developments - since we haven't blogged for a couple of weeks.

Drone Technology

We have finally got hold of some footage of the first drone flight tests in the US. While the video itself isn't particularly exciting, this is a great example of how we expect to see RouteShoot used in the future.

In this case Premier didn't actually use the RouteShoot smartphone app to capture the video and route, but rather they took the video file from the drone's built-in camera and matched it up with a separate route file, created at the same time, using a simple GPS-logger.

First test flight of the Premier drone

In future we plan to expand the web-side functionality of RouteShoot so that we can support many different input options. So, as long as you are collecting a video and GPS data in some way, we will be able to load that alongside any videos you shoot using the smartphone app. The RouteShoot website then becomes the definitive CMS for all of your geo-located imagery, whatever system you are using to collect the data.

We are currently working on developments to support the most common GPS file types, and one particularly specialist bit of camera kit for a prospective client. Hopefully we'll have some more news on that soon.

Exporting and UKTI

On the exporting front, we continue to explore opportunities overseas and, as you might expect, we are really pushing to get RouteShoot used as widely across the world as possible. In order to achieve this we are working closely with UK Trade and Investment (UKTI) and they have been promoting us through their own recent press releases. We are hoping to get some National coverage soon, but so far they have managed to get us featured in our local press - which is a good start. Please click on the links below to see these articles:

Until next time...

Friday, 29 August 2014

New York Update

Welcome, or maybe (we hope) welcome back...

Last week we were invited to the US by our biggest customer Premier. The reason for our visit was two-fold. Firstly we were there to catch up on some of the new technologies we are exploring with Premier for RouteShoot, such as data capture from Google Glass and from drones.

Premier offices - Hauppauge, Long Island

The picture below shows Premier's Director of Technology, Chris Bartlett, demonstrating the preparation of one of their drones for RouteShoot video capture to our MD. 

RouteShoot takes to the skies

The second reason for our visit was to attend the Willbros "Innovation Summit" in New York. At this event, Willbros displayed some of their own technology solutions, developed in-house, for the utilities and pipeline sectors using the Google Maps Engine (GME). The event was staged to demonstrate Willbros' cutting-edge approach to data management at a time when US Codes of Federal Regulation (CFR) are placing increasing governance pressures on infrastructure management companies.

Setting up for the Willbros Innovation Summit

Attendees at the event included Willbros' clients, potential clients, senior managers and investors.

RouteShoot featured as technology partners for Geo-referenced video capture

We were really proud and privileged to feature at this event, alongside Google, as a technology partner to Willbros. We would like to extend our sincerest thanks to Marc, Chris and the whole of the Willbros/Premier team for this opportunity.

Friday, 15 August 2014

Occasional Update

Hi all,

We haven’t blogged for a little while, so it’s probably time for a quick update.

Things seem a bit quiet on the commercial front at the moment, as everyone appears to have their minds on other things – not least taking their summer vacations. But this doesn’t mean that nothing is going on. Our developers are still slogging away, but at the moment this is all on back-end stuff, so nothing we can show fancy pictures of - which is a bit of a shame.

We did get a bit of RouteShoot press coverage though, through Creative England, when our FD (and co-founder) was interviewed to tease out some advice about starting up a new company. If you would like to see his words of “wisdom” then please take a look at the article here.

We were also interviewed recently by Deloitte, on behalf of Google, in respect to how cloud computing is helping our company to grow. The report by Deloitte is still being worked on, but hopefully we’ll get some feedback we can share with you next month.

Next for us, our MD and FD are off to New York next week, as guests of our biggest client, Premier – and if we’re lucky they will get to meet some representatives of Google. Hopefully they’ll both remember to take some videos and photos, and we’ll have something more exciting to blog about next time.

Until then, we hope you’re all having great vacations. Don’t forget to RouteShoot the best bits.

Also, if you're interested in commercial use, a reminder that our free, no-obligation trial is still available. Just click here to sign up today.

Friday, 18 July 2014

RouteShoot Around Glastonbury

As promised in our last post - some RouteShoot-ing around the Glastonbury Festival site.

With one of our colleagues working on the Info points at the Glastonbury Festival this year, we took the opportunity to capture a couple of RouteShoot videos. These were recorded on the Tuesday, just a day before all of the festival-goers arrived...

A trip around the main Pyramid Stage field

A trip through the middle of the market areas

Have a good weekend everyone. - And don't forget to shoot that route if you're up to anything exciting or memorable.

Friday, 27 June 2014

Exciting New Developments

Here at RouteShoot we are constantly working to update and improve our product. Under the "coming soon" heading we are pleased to announce that we are in advanced testing of our bookmarking development.

In this forthcoming release, in addition to recording your videos and routes, you will also be able to geo-tag points of interest as you go.

In the picture below you can see the results of some early testing, where we have bookmarked the positions of lamp posts when we took a drive around the campus at the University of Exeter (where we are based).

Each red push-pin represents the position of a lamp post along this route 

Both point items and line items will be catered for in the final version of the app.

And if that wasn't enough - at the same time we are also looking to release a Bluetooth controller for this version, so you won't have to tap the screen or any buttons on your smartphone to get this to work. Once mounted (say in the windscreen of your car) you will be able to start and stop recording and geo-tag features using a small remote control.

If things keep on track we plan to have both the app and the controllers ready to go before the end of Q2.

While you are waiting for those developments to come on line, please take a minute to check out our updated website at - and don't forget, you can still ask us for a free, no obligations trial if you are interested in the commercial version.

Oh, and one last thing, we are also expecting to get some more RouteShoot video recorded around the Glastonbury Festival site again this year. If we do, we'll post some here - so check back in regularly if you're interested in that.

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Invitation to Businesses - Try RouteShoot for Free!

RouteShoot is currently in use on UK Highways Agency Area contracts, on UK Local Authority maintenance contracts, on a series of construction projects in the Philippines and with a major utilities tracing company in the US. We are also working with international consultants and utilities companies to develop opportunities in highways and pipeline projects as far afield as Australia, Canada, Nigeria and Qatar.

To find out why there is so much interest in RouteShoot, and to discover how RouteShoot can help your asset management business, click here to sign up for a free, no obligation trial today.

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

RouteShoot Ltd Embarks on World Bank OpenTRIP Contract

We are pleased to announce that we are, this week, starting out on a significant project which will see the RouteShoot solution being formally trialled by the World Bank. After several months confirming the client's requirements and an initial period of on-site testing in the Philippines we are really excited to see this project get underway.

About the OpenTRIP Project

The Philippines Department of Tourism and the Department of Public Works & Highways, with the support of USAID-REID and the World Bank, are prototyping a digital mapping and imaging platform to support the timely and accountable implementation of the Tourism Roads Infrastructure Program (TRIP) for 2013-2016.

OpenTRIP is also intended to provide key tourism development stakeholders, including the private sector, with an accessible overview of TRIP implementation. The initiative also responds to the Department of Budget & Management's efforts to demonstrate good practice in M&E and transparency of flagship convergence programs, included as part of Open Government Partnership commitments.

The OpenTRIP platform will demonstrate innovations around the use of geo-tagged digital video imagery and the application of cost-effective mobile devices. Basic OpenTRIP functionality will be centred on field operated, handheld devices which will allow for the uploading of RouteShoot photo & video content. Later extensions will allow for the tagging and uploading of on-the-ground conditions.

Friday, 25 April 2014

RouteShoot add-in for ArcMap

Hi all,

Here at RouteShoot we have been working hard on developing a new tool which will allow you to integrate your RouteShoot data with ESRI's® ArcMap.

With this add-in you can add RouteShoot's route files directly into ArcMap and then launch the video straight from ArcMap in to your Windows® Media Player.

Please see the video below to see how this all works...

Currently we have tried and tested the add-in with combinations of Windows® 7 and 8 and ArcMap 10.1 and 10.2.

We are currently inviting people to beta test the plug-in, so if you would like to get hold of a free 14-day trial of this application then please contact us via this web form.

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

RouteShoot Reviewed by Stuff

Hi again all,

A quick update to let you know that RouteShoot has just been featured by in its "App of the Week" review for week commencing 11th April 2014. We are very pleased to report that we scored an impressive 4 stars and you can read the full review here.

It is always nice to receive a bit of recognition, and to give our blog readers the chance to get hold of some truly independent views on RouteShoot from our peers. So thank you Stuff, much appreciated.

About "Stuff is the world’s biggest-selling gadget magazine, and is the online bit of that magazine (if that makes any sense). It’s where you can find tech news that’s wry but not dry, the world’s most trusted gadget tests and exclusive previews of the latest phones, computers, tablets, games, apps, TVs, hi-fi, headphones, cameras, consoles, and media players."

Friday, 11 April 2014

Exeter Business Award Winners - Update

Hi all,

We are still waiting for updates to the Exeter Business Awards website, so no new updates to bring you from there. It is probably something to do with timings of press releases, so we'll let you know when we know.

In the meantime, if you are lucky enough to live in the Exeter area, you can just go and pick up a copy of this week's Express and Echo newspaper. We feature front and centre in the group photo of the awards review supplement and also feature on page 8 of said supplement.

And just to prove we were really there (and to satisfy those of you who wanted to see us in DJs for once)...

RouteShoot team and guests at the Exeter Business Awards 

If you are off for your Easter break now, have a good one - and don't forget to RouteShoot something exciting.

Monday, 7 April 2014

Exeter Business Awards - Winners!!

Hi all, just a quick update at this stage to say how delighted and proud we are to announce that we are the winners of the Exeter Business Awards - Innovation of the Year for 2014.
The trophy was presented to us at the event ceremony by Karime Hassan, Chief Executive of Exeter City Council, which is the sponsor of this award.
As I say, this is just a quick update at the moment as we gather together any photos from the evening and wait for the Exeter Business Awards website to be updated so that we can provide some links back to that. 
So, more to come soon, in the meantime we would just like to thank the judges, the Express and Echo, eclipse, Sandy Park and Exeter City Council for a great night.

Friday, 4 April 2014

Occasional Update - The anticipation builds...

Hi all.

The anticipation is building here in the RouteShoot office as we look forwards to tonight's Exeter Business Awards.

DJs - ready!
Bow ties - ready!
Tickets - in a safe place so we don't forget them.

Fingers - firmly crossed as we take on the Otter Brewery, Cosmic Ethical IT and Exeter Fabrication Limited for the Innovation of the Year Award.

Wish us luck and we'll post an update soon on how we got on. And if the brewery team wins, we promise we won't be bitter. (Groan).

Friday, 21 March 2014

Occasional Update - Further recognition for RouteShoot

Hi all, we are pleased to announce that RouteShoot Limited has just been shortlisted for another award - in the Exeter Business Awards - "Innovation of the Year" category.

We are very proud to have reached the finals in this competition which recognises our impact on business in our home City. The award is sponsored by Exeter City Council and presentations will take place at the Exeter Rugby Club, Sandy Park in early April.

With our near-miss at Mobile World Congress we have our fingers firmly crossed for this one, and being local to our Company, rather than over in Spain, we will all be turning up to attend the presentation evening.

Not sure about having to wear the monkey suits though - in Barcelona it was RouteShoot polo shirts, much more our style!

Have a good weekend everyone.

Monday, 10 March 2014

Occasional Update - More Going Global

Wow, what an exciting couple of weeks. Last week, our first full week since we got back from the Mobile World Congress, we had 6 new enquiries in – spanning the world from within 5 miles of our UK offices to as far afield as South America, Africa and India. This week we are meeting our favourite US customer Premier Utility Services, with the guys travelling over to London, then down to Exeter, to discuss further applications and opportunities for RouteShoot in North America.

RouteShoot truly is going global – so why not join the party?

Whether you are a business looking for easier and cheaper ways to collect essential monitoring information, or an individual wanting to record your holiday trip or sporting feat, please visit our website and see how RouteShoot can help you to capture and share GPS-referenced video straight from your smartphone.

For Business please follow this link: RouteShoot for Business

For Leisure please follow this one: RouteShoot for Leisure

Friday, 28 February 2014

Most Innovative Mobile Company? – Nearly!

Hi all. Back from the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona and time to update you on our progress in the competition. Sadly we did not get the crown, but from the comments of the judges we are pretty certain we were very close.

Are we disappointed? A little. Are we disheartened? Not at all!

Firstly, credit where credit is due, and well done to Seene for nosing ahead of us at the final hurdle and claiming the prize. With a natty little app for creating 3D photos - with all the processing handled on your iPhone - we certainly can’t argue that this isn’t a very creative use of the technology. Congratulations chaps.

One of the many MWC networking "gardens"
But enough about them; what about us? Well we found the MWC to be an absolutely amazing event in an amazing venue. Having been dropped off at the North entrance we were quite shocked to find that to get to the South entrance we would have to walk for 18 minutes, and that was without stopping to look at anything in one of the 8 aircraft hangar sized exhibition halls (counting 8.0 and 8.1 as one).

RouteShoot check out Telefonica's Connected Car

And what a lot there was on show! Nearly all of the major manufacturers and network operators were there with new tech on display and the list of speakers featured many of the leading lights of the industry including one Mister Mark Zuckerberg. There really is too much to describe here and too many names to drop, but we’ll just mention one that drew our eye; an amazing “connected car”. I’m not sure if it was the sleek design of the electric Tesla car, or how much tech Telefonica had crammed into it that impressed – but we would certainly have liked to have seen RouteShoot used on the central display console, which was simply huge.

But enough about the show; what about us? Well we came away with a few decent leads to follow up including with a couple of new-to-us businesses and a couple of extra contacts within the UKTI. We won’t mention names yet, but needless to say we are very pleased and looking forwards to some frantic business activity over the coming weeks.

RouteShoot MD Gary Wilson at MWC Barcelona

Finally I can say that the event has generated a great sense of feeling good about just how far we have come in just a little over 12 months. Thanks Barcelona, thanks MWC, thanks SmartUK and the UKTI, and finally thanks to the judges who had some very kind and encouraging words to say about our product and our performance in the competition. Keep an eye out for us, maybe we’ll exhibit at MWC one day!

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Finalists for "UK's Most Innovative Mobile Company" 2014

Hooray! We have made it to the finals for the Smart UK Project - UK's Most Innovative Mobile Company of 2014.

Having been whittled down from a starting group of around 60 companies to make it to a shortlist of 22, we have beaten off some pretty strong competition and now find ourselves in the top 6.

Our prize for getting this far is to be entered into a final "pitch battle" which will take place at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. There we will feature in an official UKTI event where final judging will take place and the winner announced - with the award presented by Ed Vaizey, Minister for Culture, Communications and Creative Industries.

For anyone attending MWC, you can come and see us at the finals on Tuesday 25th February by registering for the event here.

When I say "we are delighted", I think that might be an understatement. Thanks to all our users, customers and those who have shown faith in us so far - you really have helped to get us here.

Now all we need to worry about is having less than 2 weeks to sort out flights, hotels in an already packed city, getting our promotional items up-to-date and being press/PR ready. No stress there then.

Friday, 7 February 2014

Premier SVC saves money, improves customer service and streamlines business processes with RouteShoot

Hi All,

For anyone engaged in business, you will know how difficult it is to generate good content - feedback from customers, white papers, endorsements etc. With that in mind we have to say a very, very big thank you to Chris Bartlett of Premier Utility Services for taking the time to respond to a few questions we posed to him about his experiences with RouteShoot. We are extremely pleased to receive his endorsement and would like to share his answers with our blog readers everywhere...

What does Premier SVC do?

Premier’s corporate office is located in Hauppauge, New York with over 800 employees operating in 22 states across the United States. Proud member of the Willbros Group (NYSE:WG), Premier provides various services to our utility partners across the country. Some of the many services provided include Damage Prevention (Underground Utility Locating), Gas Services (Gas Leak Detection, Atmospheric Corrosion Inspections, Corrosion Testing), Electrical Services (Contact Voltage Testing, Electrical Inspections, SF6), Emergency Services (Storm Support, Work Contingency Planning) GIS Services (GIS Mapping & Management Programs, Asset Inventories) and Speciality Services (Vacuum Excavation, Ground Penetration Radar, Flagging and Traffic Control).

What issues were you looking to address?

Prior to Premier engaging RouteShoot there were several issues we were faced with using our previous video capture system. A few of the major concerns were exponential disk storage growth in a 17 month period (30TB’s), accurate search functionality, ease of use for our field technicians and most importantly the delivery of video footage to our clients in a timely manner. Choosing RouteShoot as our video content management system has helped us lower our total per technician costs. RouteShoot has also allowed us to scale this deployment very quickly to over 480 remote technicians.

Has RouteShoot helped you to improve service to your clients?

Since deploying RouteShoot at Premier we have been able to meet all client contractual requirements with regards to providing field video footage. If a damage does occur in the field our clients now know they will have the video footage in their hands very very quickly.

Have you achieved any tangible savings or efficiencies?

Prior to RouteShoot, technicians were deployed with a laptop, digital camcorder and other devices to capture field video footage. Deploying RouteShoot on smartphone devices to each technician not only lowered our capital expenditures per technician it has also increased productivity per technician. Before RouteShoot members of the IT staff spent countless hours searching for video files on local laptops, network servers and camcorder devices. Now, when a request comes in from a client or supervisor, a member of the claims department can easily search the system and retrieve the video in seconds. We no longer spend our days wondering if we will locate the video we are looking for when a request comes in. Moving the video management system to the cloud has also freed up valuable IT staff resources to do other things, instead of managing on premise hardware. It has also allowed me to spend more time on things that help technology assist the business in generating revenue as opposed to spending my time worrying about if we will find a video.

What features in RouteShoot have been particularly useful to you?

RouteShoot’s ease of use, accurate and effective search functionality has been extremely beneficial to both Premier and its clients. The ability to email a link to the videos to anyone with an internet connection has been just awesome and blows our clients away. We have been able to quickly locate a video and re-route field technicians to follow up in a timely manner on numerous occasions.

Have any other aspects of your business benefitted?

RouteShoot now provides us with a level of reporting we just simply did not have previously. The ability to see the footage in real time has been a tremendous improvement to our QA controls and processes. RouteShoot has also enabled us to provide better training programs to our technicians and provides us with the tools necessary to follow up with technicians much more frequently than in the past. The ability to see the technicians GPS path while shooting video has also enabled us to show clients we are accurately documenting the work we are doing for them.

Chris Bartlett
IT Manager

Premier Utility Services, LLC
100 Marcus Blvd Suite #3
Hauppauge, NY 11788

Monday, 27 January 2014

Occasional Update – Website Changes and Further Business Interest

Hi all, just a quick note to apologise for the fluid nature of our website over the past week or so.

We have undertaken some work to make the current landing page more focussed on addressing the commercial use of the application. The key reason for this is to support the underlying RouteShoot business – while we are more than happy to continue to offer RouteShoot free for non-commercial use, we do need to make some pennies to keep everything running and our staff in coffee and cakes. Don’t worry, the free-to-use site is still there, just click on the “For leisure” button at the top of the page and you’ll be back to the usual starting point.

Regarding the commercial application, we are pleased to report that things continue to go very well. We have received yet another order from a major UK highways contractor, and we have the app on trial with two more. On top of that we have further interest from overseas – Australia this time! All looking good – fingers crossed.

If everything goes to plan, the next occasional update should appear soon, shortly after our date in London at the pre-Mobile World Congress media event. Watch this space…

Happy shooting.

Monday, 6 January 2014

RouteShoot shortlisted for Smart UK Project’s Most Innovative Mobile Company

RouteShoot Limited is delighted to announce that we have been shortlisted for the Smart UK Project’s Most Innovative Mobile Company. The competition, held by Smart UK in association with the UKTI, looks “to celebrate UK innovation and showcase the best examples of UK mobile innovation”. Having been shortlisted we next get the opportunity to attend UKTI’s pre-Mobile World Congress media event on 6th February. Last year this event was attended by more than 40 media including the BBC, Sky News, The Times, The Guardian and a host of trade and consumer media. For more information please visit the Smart UK website or follow @smartukproject

Friday, 3 January 2014

Occasional Update - RouteShoot passes 10,000 downloads

Hi everyone. We hope you all had a good Christmas and are embarking on a very happy and prosperous new year.

Having posted many of our previous posts as "weekly" updates and then gone quiet, I thought it was best to rebrand this one as an "occasional update" - it is more honest, and has the added benefit of taking the pressure off me!

Well our first bit of occasional news is a significant one of us - we have now achieved over 10,000 downloads of the RouteShoot app.

Thank you very much to all of our users. Wherever you are in the world, we hope you are having fun recording those never to be forgotten moments on the app. Keep shooting, and don't forget to upload your videos to share with friends and relations.